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            Date: 02/23/2005

Well I'm getting a little faster at updating :) Work has been quite busy lately but I managed to get in two more projects - Panel #1 and Panel #2.  I'm modifying the back panel of the MediaPC making it easier to change out cards and adding an infrared receiver so the whole thing will be remote capable.  The goal is to never have to use the keyboard / mouse again.  The CNC engraver is still alive but I'm rethinking the bearing designs - the old design just doesn't look all that great.

            Date: 10/23/2004

It's been another year since the last update.  I should be able to update this a bit more now. I recently finished another mod - the MediaPC.   It's designed to fit in with the rest of the equipment in my entertainment center better than the TablePC ever did.  I've got two more projects I'm working on that haven't made it to the projects page yet.  One is a custom keypad for gaming and the second is a bit more complex - a three axis CNC engraver / mill.   Pictures of both should be up soon.

            Date: 08/21/2003

At this rate I'm looking at one update a year..  I recently finished my TablePC and things seemed to work out fairly well.   There are quite a few pictures available along with descriptions of some of the work that was done to it in the Projects / Mods section.  On a different note, here is one of the most unique mods I've seen (give it some time to load - about 100 pics).  Kudos to web56n for all his hard work on Operation: Integration Alumicoat and inspiration to the modding community!

            Date: 12/18/2002

It's been another long stretch between updates.  My knees are killing me - Arthritis? God I hope not.  Why is it that anytime anyone is pissed off at me in a game they assume I'm an Arab? Is it the name? :-P  I've been spending a lot of time playing Battlefield 1942 and all I can say is it's a blast.  It's highly recommended if you have a lot of ram.. nothing less than 512MB from what I've heard.  Interestingly enough it ran smoother on my P3 933 than on my P4 2.4 - what gives?

One another note.. Here's a pic of me and my daughter Courtney - I can't believe how big she's getting.

            Date: 10/02/2002

Holy long update time batman!  I'm taking a road trip to Washington D.C. for a few days to get away for a while - unfortunately there's some major hurricane heading to the same area from what I've heard with some silly name.  I hope we can get along when we meet there.. I'd cancel it but the hotel room is already paid for and there's zero chance for a refund :(

I did finish the cd-rom mod for my 'table PC'.. came out pretty good.   You can't tell from the pic but the front activity LED has been replaced by TWO INTERNAL LED's that light up the inside of the cd case when it's being accessed.  I haven't seen that done before but I'm sure it has been.. so hard to come up with something original these days..

            Date: 8/14/2002

Just saw Resident Evil and I really enjoyed it.  I went in not expecting it to be much more than a sci-fi / horror movie and I wasn't disappointed.  The part with the laser was extremely cool yet a bit disturbing at the same time..  On a different note I'll have pics posted in the mods section of my 'table' mod I'm about 1/3 of the way done with.. I hope it ends up looking reasonably well put together as I'm not really working off of a plan..

            Date: 7/30/2002

I am temporarily hosting the site on and the experience has been interesting.  I can't seem to be able to view and of the pics on the site from my work machine.  Seems fine home.  Ahh technology..  I plan on moving the site to here eventually.  Seems like a solid organization but we'll see how it goes.  One thing - they are NOT lacking in web statisics.  I've never seen so much data (most of which is useless for me).  Last night I ended up picking up that small table from Lowes. I'll post some pics as soon as I get time.

            Date: 7/29/2002

Well I finally did it! It took a while but I gave up on all those damn webpage programs and started to hand code my own site from scratch. Let me tell you it was well worth it.  I'm in dire need of content right now but I will be adding to this whenever I get a chance to.

On another note, RadeonMAXX from Sharky's Forums posted some info. on a new FPS game called S.T.A.L.K.E.R. - Oblivion Lost that looks amazing.   Supposedly the first DX9 game in development.  Looks like a cross between HALO and Unreal Tournament to me (which isn't bad).

Tonight I'm heading to Lowes to pick up a small table I saw there.  I'm getting the modding itch so I may just have to hack that little thing up and see what I can come up with.. who knows.. maybe I'll post pics if it's not too dumb looking.

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